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New Year, New Budget - Enhancing the Landscape - Sit Down with CEPRA

It's finally 2021! The beginning of a new year typically comes along with a new budget for the community - and new opportunities for sprucing things up in your landscapes. Most commercial maintenance contracts cover the basics such as mowing, pruning and bed weed control but do not always include services such as landscape plant enhancement, seasonal color and holiday displays, irrigation system repairs and upgrades, tree/palm pruning and removal, mulch installation, drainage upgrades, leaf litter removal, landscape lighting, and hardscape additions or improvements. These are left to the discretion of the leaders of the association to include as they see fit for their community. After all, the landscape is a properties first impression and no matter the age, there are always opportunities for improvement.

By investing in property enhancements, you will increase the curb appeal, enhance the overall quality of the landscape, and increase the value of your residents' homes. If all you do is "maintain" the turf grass and ornamentals, you will miss the opportunity to create a truly amazing and sustainable landscape that sets your community apart from the competition. Your commercial landscape provider should be able to assist you with your projects and offer guidance on where to allocate the appropriate amount of funds for all the enhancement aspects of your landscape. The goal is to have these funds available throughout the year to improve your landscape and to provide any additional services as needed. Here, we will go over some of the best options for you to consider when upgrading your community's landscape.

Plant Enhancements

Like most things, plants have a life expectancy. Over time, a landscape can suffer from elements that can create unsightly and unhealthy plant conditions. Environmental factors such as soil conditions and plant location can significantly impact your ornamental shrubs and ground covers. By continuing to invest money to maintain plants that are past their prime, you are throwing money away on ornamentals that will inevitably require replacement. The removal of declining plant material and the introduction of new plants will add beauty and sustainability to your landscape, giving it a more vibrant and appealing appearance.

Enhancing the Landscape photo

Enhancing the Landscape photoLandscape Lighting / Hardscape Upgrades

Illuminating outdoor amenities and walkways makes them usable at night and highlights the landscape. Landscape lighting is an excellent way to make your property safe. Lighting helps prevent injuries from slip and falls and deters crime. Hardscape upgrades such as firepits, pergolas and paver walkways, are a popular way of adding an accent the focal areas of your landscape.

Annual and Holiday Color

Enhancing the Landscape photoAdding annual flowers to your property will add a burst of color and personality that will instantly enhance the landscape. There are a wide variety of colors, textures and annual flower species that can be utilized to create an eye-catching addition to the property no matter what the season. Holiday color displays for Spring, Fall and the Winter season can also add additional charm to your property.


As the landscape matures, the irrigation system needs to be upgraded so that it provides efficient and the effective use of our water resources. When enhancements are made to the landscape a reconfiguration of the existing system is sometimes needed to support the landscape changes. You can expect your irrigation upgrades to cost around 15% of your overall landscape enhancement budget. Eventually, a major component of the system will go down - such as controller or a well. Thus, budgeting money in advance will proactively cover the cost of these potentially needed repairs.

Enhancing the Landscape photo


Enhancing the Landscape photoThe need for installing a drainage system may be required to capture and move pooling water from an area in the landscape. This enhancement can prevent soil erosion, stagnant water, and damage to the ornamentals and turf grass from disease. Ensuring your drainage is set to handle your new additions also helps to reduce pesky insect populations, such as gnats and mosquitoes, which increases your residents' overall comfort when using the outdoor spaces in your community.


Whether your choice is pine straw, hard wood, or pine bark, adding a fresh mulch layer to the ornamental beds adds a great aesthetic appeal to your property. Beyond simply looking better, mulch improves the moisture-holding capacity of our sandy soils and reduces weed growth. Mulch in ornamental beds regulates soil temperatures, keeping the soil warmer on cold nights and cooler on hot days. In addition, mulch protects bare soil by reducing erosion and enriches the soil profile. Regular mulching and clean-outs are recommended to ensure your new plants are given the greatest opportunity at looking their best.

Enhancing the Landscape photo

Palm / Tree Pruning & Removal

Enhancing the Landscape photoWith palms, the yearly removal of spent seed heads, loose boots, and brown foliage should be addressed to eliminate debris that can litter the landscape. By removing dead and declining palms and trees, you will not only reduce the spread of disease, but will also prevent these trees from becoming a hazard or liability. For safety and security, the canopy of hard wood trees should be raised away from pedestrian and vehicular traffic, off the sides of structures, and away from property lighting and signage. Palm prunings are typically done annually to biannually, whereas a good structural tree pruning can last years.

Leaf Debris

Leaf debris can quickly become unsightly and will detract from the aesthetic curb appeal of the landscape. The accumulation of fallen leaves can contain pests and pathogens that can overwinter in the landscape. Leaf litter provides an ideal living environment for snails, slugs and various insect species, which wreak havoc in your landscape. Additionally, leaf accumulation can cause sidewalks and parking lots to become slippery and hazardous to pedestrians. Clearing leaf debris in the first quarter of the year is essential to maintaining the security of the landscape - and protecting your investment.

Enhancing the Landscape photo


Landscape enhancements go beyond just adding new plants! From uplighting, pruning, and water maintenance, there are many options from which to choose to enhance your landscape. Making sure the needs of the association are met when debating new upgrades is essential to not only keeping your community looking good, but to keeping your residents happy as well. Be sure to consult with your landscape professionals when deciding on which improvements work best for your community - and your budget.

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